It can be HARD to get stuff done on your own, at least it is for me. There are so many distractions, and the work just doesn’t get done.
I’m hosting this online work/play session where we get together, state what we're working on, and then work with check-ins on the way.
What can you do during this time? Anything! Write. Cook some food. Clean your room. Weed the garden. Pay bills. For those who want, I will provide a prompt for a creative activity you can do, but you don’t have to use it. Whatever you want to get done, if company would make it easier then this is for you. I’m looking forward to this and hope it helps us all get a little more done.
To register and receive zoom link contact me using the “Contact” button on this website or email:
Saturday October 28 @10am PST/1pm EST